God's Country Outfitters Slam Hunt

What is the GCO Slam Hunt?
Want to get the most bang for your buck? The God's Country Outfitters Slam Hunt is the answer! Our slam hunt is a combination of three hunts at one time. It includes a turkey, gator, and hog hunt during the spring. This hunt takes place from March to April, during turkey season.
What's Included
The GCO Slam hunt is a 4-day/night hunt with the opportunity to down an Osceola turkey, harvest a trophy gator of up to 10 feet, and experience a spot and stalk hog hunt (day or night). We also had incredible belt buckles made for hunters as a trophy for getting their GCO slam!
- Fully Guided Hunts for Each Animal
- Meals & Lodging Included
What To Expect
Osceola Turkey
You'll start your days early for some Osceola Turkey Hunting. Most of the Osceolas are killed in the mornings! We use either store-bought, man-made blinds or the run and gun style when we hunt. It all depends on the guide, hunter, and the area you will be hunting. Our guides are great turkey callers and know the area very well. Two of our guides are champion custom turkey call makers. We have over two dozen trail cameras running in the woods most of the time, so we can see where the gobblers are and what their patterns are.
Gator Hunts
We offer both night and day hunts for Florida alligators. Our night hunts are fully guided wild alligator hunts from boats using harpoons, crossbows, spear guns, and fishing poles. We will offer some suggestions and additional details about the hunt before you select a weapon. Night gator hunts normally produce larger gators. Our day hunts are done in lakes or ponds. A crossbow, regular bow, gun, or fishing pole is the primary method of harvesting gators on this type of hunt.
Hog Hunts
Florida wild hog hunting is one of the most exciting hunts a person can experience. From shooting, stabbing, or even spearing it - who wouldn’t want to experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this one? We are well known to have the biggest hogs in North Florida!